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Open Channel Server

Choice of deployment options delivers maximum flexibility

Open Channel products from SEVEN Networks are comprised of a client component and a server component. The Open Channel client extends carrier control over mobile data traffic to the source – the mobile handset. The Open Channel server provides a centralized platform for defining the policies that govern mobile traffic management and optimization.

Customers have the flexibility to choose between two deployment models for the server component. Hosted deployment allows customers to get the solution up and running as quickly as possible. In this deployment option, the server component is housed in a SEVEN Networks data center. It is managed by SEVEN Networks personnel in close consultation with the customer.

In-network deployment of the server software is recommended for customers who want in-house, hands-on control over all aspects of the solution. In this model, the management server resides in the customer data center. The customer manages their Open Channel products through an intuitive administrator interface.

In-network deployment of mobile traffic management solutions is often perceived as very complex and time consuming. While that is true for many solutions, the Open Channel server features plug-and-play deployment, minimizing both complexity and time-to-value.

There are several main drivers of deployment complexity with traditional mobile traffic management solutions. The Open Channel platform is designed to address each of these sources of complexity, ensuring a trouble-free in-network deployment of the server component:

Source of Complexity

Open Channel Solution

Number of points of integration

Minimal required points of integration with carrier infrastructure

Amount of custom code required

Minimal custom code required

Size of the bill of materials

Short bill of materials means fewer moving parts

Non-standard Interfaces

All external interfaces use standardized protocols

Third party software requirements

Makes use of a limited number of well-proven open source technologies

While the hosted model for the server component offers the fastest method of deployment of all, plug-and-play in-network deployment closes the gap significantly. Most carriers will choose this model for long-term, large-scale use. Customers get maximum control by housing the server component in their data center, while still achieving a short deployment timeline. Customers may also choose the hosted model for their initial deployment, transitioning to the in-network model at a later date.

Measuring the financial impact of mobile traffic optimization

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